Timing is the golden factor..
What I see from alot of flashes. Is that the artist tries to come up with thier own jokes. Which for the most cases works out ok. I've seen horrible toons with bad jokes with bad timing and horrible punchlines. What I love about this flick here is that you seem to hit ever que to when the funny factor is supposed to come in. The sounds go good with the overall character. Even tho, there isn't any audio vocally (besides the screaming). And frankly, thats just fine. You've achieved the best possible way of making a scene funny, and goofy.
I actually feel if the character said any sort of line, it probably would have taken away from the funny factor. I've seen alot of toons. I act like a complete ass. And make people laugh. You got the timing perfect. And, it couldn't have been better any other way. Kudos, person-that you are.